Music House: A Harmonious Space for Learning and Performing Music

Creating a Melody of Architecture and Music

The Music House, designed by Soheil Moghadam Falahi, is a unique educational space that combines the world of music with innovative architecture. Inspired by the concept of a musical note, the design aims to create a harmonious environment where music enthusiasts can learn, practice, and perform.

The main concept of the Music House is to bring together separate musical notes and form a melody. This is reflected in the design, where different volumes come together to create a cohesive whole. The empty spaces within the structure represent the silence in a piece of music, adding a sense of rhythm and balance to the overall composition.

One of the key features of the Music House is its dynamic facade. The chrome panels on the exterior change color throughout the day, reflecting the sunlight and creating a visually captivating experience. This dynamic element not only adds visual interest but also symbolizes the movement and energy of music. The changing colors of the facade also correspond to the different seasons, further enhancing the connection between music and nature.

Inside the Music House, the design focuses on creating a high-quality learning environment. The space is divided into different areas, each carefully designed to optimize access, lighting, and visual comfort. The use of Gestalt principles ensures that users feel connected to the building as a whole, enhancing the overall experience.

The realization of the Music House involved the use of concrete structures and chrome panels for the facade cladding. The detailing was kept minimal to maintain a clean and refined aesthetic. To reduce energy consumption, the classrooms area avoids the need for air conditioning by eliminating windows. Instead, indirect lighting is brought in through large windows that overlook green areas, creating a pleasant and energy-efficient interior space.

The Music House spans a width of 42 meters, a length of 72 meters (according to the golden ratio), and stands at a height of 21 meters. Its unique design and attention to detail make it a standout architectural masterpiece.

The Music House was designed by Soheil Moghadam Falahi, with contributions from associates Arash Moghadam Fallahi and Meysam Mortezaei Manesh. The project commenced in March 2016 and was completed in September 2016, serving as Soheil Moghadam Falahi's master's degree thesis. The location of the Music House is in Tehran, Iran.

This innovative design is a result of extensive research on the relationship between architecture and music. By identifying commonalities and spatial patterns, the design successfully integrates elements from both disciplines, creating a space that is not only visually stunning but also enhances the learning and performance of music.

The Music House has received recognition for its outstanding design. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Architecture, Building, and Structure Design category in 2017. This prestigious award acknowledges designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving the quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

The Music House, with its harmonious blend of architecture and music, stands as a testament to the power of design to create spaces that inspire and enrich our lives.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Soheil Moghadam Falahi
Image Credits: Soheil Moghadam Falahi
Project Team Members: Principal Architect: Soheil Moghadam Falahi Associates: Arash Moghadam Fallahi, Meysam Mortezaei Manesh
Project Name: Music house
Project Client: Soheil Moghadam Falahi

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